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CT-3500 Máy chụp sóng máy cắt kỹ thuật số

The CT-3500 is a second generation, stand-alone, digital, microprocessor-controlled, circuit breaker timer. It measures elapsed time from the instant a breaker coil is powered to the instant of opening or closing of a circuit-breaker's dry contacts. The CT-3500 not only times the breaker's contact response time, but it can also time relays or other switching function that uses an initiating-trigger voltage (24-300 Volts dc or ac).

  • More accurate than Mechanical-Cycle Counters
  • Far exceeds the power utility industry's requirement for accuracy
  • No Conversion Calculation Required; Timing Results Display in Milliseconds & Cycles
  • Timing Results from all three Timers are shown Simultaneously on a Backlit LCD
  • Backlit LCD for easy data readout in bright sunlight outside or inside
  • Fully analyzes all breaker operation: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open
  • Stores 128 Timing Records
  • Built-in 2.5" Thermal Printer





Technical Specifications

TYPEDigital circuit-breaker timer
PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS15"W x 7”H x 13"D (38.1 cm x 17.8 cm x 33.0 cm); Weight: less than 15 lbs (6.8 kg)
INPUT POWER100 – 120 Vac or 200 – 240 Vac (selectable), 50/60
TRIGGER INPUT VOLTAGEOpen/Close: 30 – 300 V, dc/peak ac
TEST OPERATIONSOpen, Close, Open – Close, Close – Open
TIMING RESOLUTION± 1/10 millisecond; Accuracy: 0.05% of reading ± 0.1ms
DISPLAYBack-lit LCD Screen (20 characters by 4 lines); viewable in bright sunlight and low-light levels
PRINTERBuilt-in 2.5-inch wide thermal printer
KEYPADRugged membrane keypad (10 alpha-numeric keys, 6 function keys)
COMPUTER INTERFACERS-232C port (19,200 baud)
PC SOFTWAREWindows® XP/Vista-based software is included with purchase price
SAFETYDesigned to meet IEC61010 (1995), UL61010A-1, CSA-C22.2 standards
ENVIRONMENTOperating: -10˚C to 50˚ C (15˚F to +122˚ F); Storage: -30˚ C to 70˚ C (-22˚F to +158˚ F)
CABLESOne 20-foot contact test lead cable, one trigger cable with extension cable, one ground cable with attaching clips, cable carrying bag, power cord
OPTIONSTransportation case
WARRANTYOne year on parts and labor
Specifications are valid at nominal voltage and ambient temperature of +25˚C (+77˚F).
Last updated on February 5, 2009
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