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Trạm đo karota
MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan
MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan

This proven, ultra-lightweight package features weather-resistant combined instrument electronics and winch in a single 25 Kg (55 lbs) small foot print unit. A dual-purpose tripod and accessories are shipped with every system. Add your own PC or an MSI pre-loaded PC/printer combination and MSI downhole probes to complete the system.


Matrix Console
Matrix Console
The MSI / ALT MATRIX Console is a very versatile uphole electronics package designed to work and integrate with the MSI MX Series of winches with capacities from 500 - 1000 meters of standard single-conductor wirelines.  This console can be used with Mount Sopris 4WNA series winches and winches made by other vendors. 
Tời điện
Tời điện

4MXA-1000 Winch

The most popular Mount Sopris winch system can be configured with several types of logging cable.  The standard 4MXA-1000 systems includes 500 metes (1640 ft) 0f 3.17 mm (0.125') single-conductor geophysical wireline.  This winch will also hold 800 meters (2625 ft) of 2.54 mm (0.10") wireline.

4MXB-1000 winches are designed to handle up to 305 meters (1000 ft) of standard 3.76 mm (0.1875') single-conductor, 4-conductor, or coaxial cable.  The 4MXB-1000 winch will also hole 250 mm of 6.35 mm (0.25") coax or 7-conductor cable.

4MXC-1000 winches hold up to 1000 meters (3281 ft) of rugged 3.17 mm single-conductor cable.

Downhole Tools
Downhole Tools

We specialize in small diameter tools (1.5"/38mm) with temperature (65°C) and pressure (2000 PSI) ratings suitable for boreholes drilled to a maximum of 2000 meters (6,600 feet).  Our downhole tools are generally lightweight, easy for one person to handle in the field, and we take care when designing tools placing measurement points so that users can maximize hole coverage. 

MSI has teamed with other manufacturers of state-of-the art of downhole tools so that we can provide our customers a wide variety of measurements.  For specifications on any of our tools and multi-parameter combinations possible, click any of the links below.  Call or email us for the latest developments.

MSLog - Log Acquisition Software
The MGX II Logger acquisition system is based on a modem electronic design in which software control techniques have been used to the best advantage.  The hardware incorporates the latest electronic components with embedded systems controlled via the specially developed MSLog Windows interface program.  This software uses the Windows family of operating systems.  These multi-tasking platforms can accommodate all tasks necessary for maximum data security and ease of operation.  The system design philosophy is unique in two respects.  First, it has been built to handle several generations of single-conductor Mount Sopris tools, secondly, it is totally software controlled.

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MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan
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Kinh doanh
Kỹ thuật

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