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Thiết bị chụp sóng máy cắt
CT - 6500/S2 Máy chụp sóng máy Cắt
CT - 6500/S2 Máy chụp sóng máy Cắt

The CT-6500 Series 2 is a stand-alone, microcomputer-driven EHV Circuit-Breaker Analyzer. It is inexpensive and easy to use. The CT-6500 is available in models with either 3 dry contacts (CT-6500-3); 6 dry-contacts (CT-6500-6); or 12 dry-contact inputs (CT-6500-12). The CT-6500 fully analyzes circuit-breaker performance: contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, and contact wipe. Contactmotion analysis includes: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, and Open-Close-Open. The CT-6500 timing window is selectable: 1-second, 10-second, or 20-second periods

CBCT Máy thử nghiệm máy cắt
CBCT Máy thử nghiệm máy cắt
The CBCT is a variable voltage DC power supply designed specifically to test substation circuit-breaker Open and Close coils. The CBCT uses the substation’s DC power supply to electronically generate a programmable output voltage from 5% to 95% of the source voltage. The CBCT can maintain up to an 80A test current while maintaining 2% or better voltage regulation during the circuit breaker coil operation.
CT-3500 Máy chụp sóng máy cắt kỹ thuật số
CT-3500 Máy chụp sóng máy cắt kỹ thuật số
The CT-3500 is a second generation, stand-alone, digital, microprocessor-controlled, circuit breaker timer. It measures elapsed time from the instant a breaker coil is powered to the instant of opening or closing of a circuit-breaker's dry contacts. The CT-3500 not only times the breaker's contact response time, but it can also time relays or other switching function that uses an initiating-trigger voltage (24-300 Volts dc or ac).

Sản phẩm mới
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MENTOR 12 Hợp bộ thử Rơ Le 3 pha kỹ thuật số
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MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan
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SuperSting R8 IP Máy đo điện trở phân cực kích thích
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Kỹ thuật

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