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CBCT Máy thử nghiệm máy cắt

The CBCT is a variable voltage DC power supply designed specifically to test substation circuit-breaker Open and Close coils. The CBCT uses the substation’s DC power supply to electronically generate a programmable output voltage from 5% to 95% of the source voltage. The CBCT can maintain up to an 80A test current while maintaining 2% or better voltage regulation during the circuit breaker coil operation.


Technical Specifications

TYPEProgrammable DC Power Supply
PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS19”W x 7”H x 15”D, (48 cm x 17 cm x 38 cm); Weight: 25 lbs (11.3 kg)
INPUT VOLTAGE20 – 300 Vdc, 20A fuse
OUTPUT VOLTAGE5% – 95% of input voltage with 2% regulation at max current (up to 80A)
OUTPUT VOLTAGE CHANNELSOne continuous and one pulse DC output
OUTPUT VOLTAGE PROTECTIONShutdown if current exceeds 80A or if current drawing time exceeds 500 ms @ 80A
VOLT METER RANGEInput/output meters, 0 – 300 Vdc; Accuracy: 1% of reading, ±0.2V
TIMER DISPLAY RANGE0.0000 – 999.999 seconds; Accuracy: 0.01%, ±0.5 ms
TIMER START INPUTInternal (coil initiation), wet-contact input (20 – 240 Vac/dc), or dry-contact input (1 – 200 ohms)
TIMER STOP INPUTWet-contact (20 – 240 Vac/dc) or dry-contact (1 – 200 ohms)
DISPLAYBack-lit LCD screen (20 characters by 4 lines); viewable in both bright sunlight and low-light levels
SAFETYDesigned to meet UL 6101A-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No 1010.1-92 standards
ENVIRONMENTOperating: -10°C to 50°C (+15°F to +122°F); Storage: -30°C to70°C (-22°F to +158°F)
CABLESTwo 6-foot (#8 AWG) DC cable sets, Two 10-foot timer cable sets, One ground cable, one cable bag
OPTIONSTransportation case
WARRANTYOne year on parts and labor
Specifications are valid at nominal voltage and ambient temperature of +25˚C (+77˚F).
Last updated on March 13, 2009
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