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Downhole Tools

We specialize in small diameter tools (1.5"/38mm) with temperature (65°C) and pressure (2000 PSI) ratings suitable for boreholes drilled to a maximum of 2000 meters (6,600 feet).  Our downhole tools are generally lightweight, easy for one person to handle in the field, and we take care when designing tools placing measurement points so that users can maximize hole coverage. 

MSI has teamed with other manufacturers of state-of-the art of downhole tools so that we can provide our customers a wide variety of measurements.  For specifications on any of our tools and multi-parameter combinations possible, click any of the links below.  Call or email us for the latest developments.

MSI Model No.



Gamma / SP /SPR

2PEA-10008/16/32/64" Normal Resistivity
2PFA,2SFA,B,2WQA-1000Temperature / Fluid Resistivity
2PCA-10003-Arm Caliper
2PIA-1000Electromagnetic Induction
2DVA-1000Borehole deviation
2SAA-1000/FMulti-frequency, Monopole-Dipole Full Waveform Sonic
2GHA-1000Triple Gamma
2NUA-1000Neutron-Thermal (or epithermal)-Neutron
2FSA-10001-Liter Fluid Sampler
2SGA-1000Ultra-thin Gamma
2IDA-1000Water Quality (pH,DO,Redox,T,FEC,Salinity) and others
2GDA-1000New! 4-detector density / Guard Resistivity
FLP-2492Spinner Flow Meter
HPF-2293Heat-Pulse Flow Meter
2SNA-1000NEW! 256,512, or 1024 Channel Spectral Gamma
2BSA-1000Bartington Magnetic Susceptibility
ABI40 - NEWFull Waveform Acoustic Televiewer
OBI-40ALT Optical Televiewer
FAC-40ALT Acoustic Televiewer
DIL45ALT Dual Induction
2BHV-1000Laval R-2000 Borehole Video

Sản phẩm mới
MENTOR 12 Hợp bộ thử Rơ Le 3 pha kỹ thuật số
MENTOR 12 Hợp bộ thử Rơ Le 3 pha kỹ thuật số
MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan
MATRIX Thiết bị đo Karota giếng khoan
SuperSting R8 IP Máy đo điện trở phân cực kích thích
SuperSting R8 IP Máy đo điện trở phân cực kích thích
Hỗ trợ trực tuyến
Kinh doanh
Kỹ thuật

Số lượt truy cập : 830263
Số người trực tuyến : 1