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Máy đo phổ Alpha
The DURRIDGE RAD7 is a truly versatile radon detector of mature and yet still state-of-the-art design. Its specifications match or exceed those of the most expensive radon measurement devices in the world. At the same time, it incorporates a number of exclusive features that are found in no other radon detector, regardless of price. Incredibly, the RAD7 is affordable.
DURRIDGE RAD7 Máy đo Phổ Alpha
DURRIDGE RAD7 Máy đo Phổ Alpha


Electronic radon detector with real-time monitoring and spectral analysis

The DURRIDGE RAD7 is a truly versatile radon detector of mature and yet still state-of-the-art design. Its specifications match or exceed those of the most expensive radon measurement devices in the world. At the same time, it incorporates a number of exclusive features that are found in no other radon detector, regardless of price. Incredibly, the RAD7 is affordable.

RAD H20 Radon In Water Accessory for the RAD7
RAD H20 Radon In Water Accessory for the RAD7
The RAD H20 is an accessory for the RAD7 that enables you to measure radon in water over a concentration range of from less than 10 pCi/L to greater than 105pCi/L. By diluting your sample, or by waiting for sample decay, you can extend the upper range to any concentration.
RAD AQUA Continuous Radon in Water Accessory for RAD7
RAD AQUA Continuous Radon in Water Accessory for RAD7
The RAD AQUA is an accessory for the DURRIDGE RAD7 radon detector that is used to bring the radon concentration in a closed air loop into equilibrium with the radon concentration in a flow-through water supply. It consists of a spray chamber, called an "exchanger", that brings the air and water into equilibrium. The radon in the air is monitored continuously by the RAD7.
Water Probe Slow Response Monitoring of Radon in Water
Water Probe Slow Response Monitoring of Radon in Water
The DURRIDGE Water Probe is used to collect radon samples from large bodies of water. The probe consists of a semi-permeable membrane tube mounted on an open wire frame. The tube is placed in a closed loop with the RAD7.
Soil Gas Probe In-Ground Radon Detection
Soil Gas Probe In-Ground Radon Detection
When measing radon underground, it is essential to collect samples without exposing them to the outside air. DURRIDGE offiers three heavy-duty soil probes for this purpose: the durable and easy to use Stainless Steel Soil Gas Probe, the regular Steel Soil Gas Probe, and a third party soil gas probe provided by AMS, Inc.
DRYSTIK Moisture Exchanger to Extend Desiccant Life Span
DRYSTIK Moisture Exchanger to Extend Desiccant Life Span
The DURRIDGE DRYSTIK transfers moisture in incoming air to the stream of dry air being pumped out of the RAD7. This means that any air being sent through a drying unit on its way to the RAD7 will have already lost most of its moisture, greatly extending the life of the desiccant in the drying unit.

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