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CT - 6500/S2 Máy chụp sóng máy Cắt

The CT-6500 Series 2 is a stand-alone, microcomputer-driven EHV Circuit-Breaker Analyzer. It is inexpensive and easy to use. The CT-6500 is available in models with either 3 dry contacts (CT-6500-3); 6 dry-contacts (CT-6500-6); or 12 dry-contact inputs (CT-6500-12). The CT-6500 fully analyzes circuit-breaker performance: contact time, stroke, velocity, over-travel, and contact wipe. Contactmotion analysis includes: Open, Close, Open-Close, Close-Open, and Open-Close-Open. The CT-6500 timing window is selectable: 1-second, 10-second, or 20-second periods


CT-6500 S2



CT-6500 S2

Technical Specifications

TYPEPortable circuit-breaker analyzer
PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS16”W x 11”H x 14” D (40.6 cm x 29.9 cm x 35.6 cm); Weight: less than 25 lbs (11.3 kg)
INPUT POWER100 – 120 Vac or 200 – 240 Vac (selectable), 50/60Hz
DRY-CONTACT INPUTS3, 6 or 12 dry input channels (depending on model). Each channel detects main and insertion-resistor contacts
TIMING WINDOWS1-second, 10-seconds, or 20-seconds
TIMING RESOLUTIONS±50 micro-seconds @ 1-second duration, ±500 micro-seconds @ 10-second duration, ±1.0 milli-seconds @ 20-second duration
TIMING ACCURACY0.05% of reading ±0.05 ms @ 1-second duration
DRY-CONTACT CHANNEL PROTECTIONAll contact inputs are grounded until test; input channels are protected against static discharge
DRY-CONTACT DETECTION RANGEClosed: less than 20 ohms; Open: greater than 5,000 ohms
TRIGGER INPUT VOLTAGEOpen/Close: 30 – 300V, DC or peak AC
VOLTAGE SENSING INPUT RANGEV1: analog input; 0 – 255V DC or peak AC; Sensitivity ±1V
V2: voltage presence/absence detector input; 30 – 300V DC or peak AC
BREAKER OPERATIONSInitiate Open, Close, Open– Close, Close – Open, Open – Close – Open
INITIATE CURRENT READING RANGEOne, non-contact, Hall-effect sensor, 0 – 20 amp range, dc to 5Khz
TRAVEL TRANSDUCER INPUTS3 digital travel transducer channels; Linear range, 0.0 – 60.0 in (±0.01 in); Rotary range: 0 – 360 degrees (±0.36 degrees)
CONTACT TRAVEL POINT DIFFERENCEMeasures “slow-close” contact-point distances; results can be printed
DISPLAYBack-lit LCD Screen (20 characters by 4 lines); viewable in bright sunlight and low-light levels
PRINTERBuilt-in 4.5-inch wide thermal printer can print both graphic contact travel waveforms and tabulated test results
INTERNAL TEST RECORD STORAGEStores up to 200 test records
PC SOFTWAREWindows® XP/Vista-based Breaker-Analysis software is included with purchase price
SAFETYDesigned to meet UL 6101A-1 and CAN/CSA C22.2 No 1010.1-92 standards
ENVIRONMENTOperating: -10°C to 50°C (+15°F to +122°F); Storage: -30°C to70°C (-22°F to +158°F)
OPTIONSTransportation case (available for the CT-6500 S2 and the travel transducers)
WARRANTYOne year on parts and labor
Specifications are valid at nominal voltage and ambient temperature of +25˚C (+77˚F).
Last updated on February 5, 2009
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